Information on:

Morning Star Balloons

Morning Star Balloons
440 South El Cielo Road, Suite 3118

Morning Star Balloons for one of our daily Palm Springs California hot air balloon rides over the local majestic mountains. We are Palm Springs's premier hot air balloon company for a reason, and that's because we simply provide the best experience around. Our primary pilots have over 60 years flight experience between them and they know how to treat you right. You won't find anyone better suited to provide you with a first class hot air balloon flight. We are the only California company where our fully licensed and insured pilots can boast a perfect safety record, and we are proud of it. When you are with us you can rest assured that you are in the best hands possible in Palm Springs. Hot air balloon rides are fun, so come stop by.

Morning Star Balloons is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media